Looking to help out with preparedness or response activities in Western Massachusetts? There are avenues for both individuals or agency/organizations to get involved.
Volunteer and Community Organizations Active in Disasters (VOADs & COADs) offer ways for interested persons or organizations to actively engage in preparedness and response efforts.
The Pioneer Valley and Berkshire County COADs work to foster more effective service to people affected by disaster through communication, coordination, cooperation, collaboration, convening mechanisms and outreach. If you are an agency or organization fill out this form to become a member today. Information about where to email your completed form is included at the end of the form.
To learn more about the Pioneer Valley Community Organizations Active in Disasters (COAD) (covering all of Franklin, Hampshire, and Hampden counties) or the Berkshire County COAD please contact Cindy Hahn of the American Red Cross at coadpv@gmail.com or coadbc@gmail.com respectively.
To learn more about the Massachusetts Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (VOAD) or to join, please contact Steve Napoli of the American Red Cross at steve.napoli@redcross.org or visit their website at http://massvoad.org.