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Regional Emergency Planning Committees

Regional Emergency Planning Committees (REPCs) exist to enhance cooperative regional emergency planning, and address the Federal SARA Title III requirement that all communities have active Local Emergency Planning Committees, procedures to deal with hazardous materials (“hazmat”) emergencies, meet right-to-know requirements, and encourage community awareness. REPCs play a vital role in preparing for emergencies and disasters.

Southern Berkshire Regional Planning Committee

The Southern Berkshire Regional Planning Committee (SBREPC) includes the 12 South Berkshire communities of Alford, Egremont, Great Barrington, Monterey, Mt. Washington, New Marlborough, Otis, Sandisfield, Sheffield, Stockbridge, Tyringham and West Stockbridge and is hosted by Fairview Hospital in Great Barrington, MA.  The area is a busy tourist destination six months out of the year with wide stretches of State park.  There is also a small airport, freight rail line and light manufacturing in the area.

The SBREPC meets every third Tuesday at 7:30 AM at the first floor Fairview Hospital Conference Room and works as an all hazards planning group. Everyone is welcome. For more information please contact Phyllis LeBeau at 413.854.9645 or Heather Barbieri at

Franklin County Regional Emergency Planning Committee

The Franklin County Regional Emergency Planning Committee (REPC), serving the 26 towns of Franklin County, exists to enhance cooperative regional emergency planning for all hazards. Recently, the REPC has sponsored several table top exercises to allow responders and elected officials to test their written emergency plans. The REPC also has become a co-sponsor of the annual Tri-State Fire Mutual Aid Field Day. The REPC annually updates the county Hazardous Materials Emergency Plan. It has also received funding to assist communities with identifying hazard mitigation projects and preparing the information needed to apply for FEMA hazard mitigation funding. This process in 2011 resulted in grant applications totaling $820,775 submitted to FEMA to replace a culvert in Buckland and stabilize riverbanks in Deerfield and Montague.

The Committee meets the first Tuesday of every quarter at 3:30 p.m. at the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, 160 Elm St, Greenfield. For more information, please contact Tracy Rogers at (413) 774-3167 x118 or